Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sunday morn

The mist is rising from the gully. Warm sunshine encourages a mob of fifty or so kangaroos to laze and bask in the sun. They've spread themselves around the house. Some are fully prone, one ear pricked to keep alert. Others graze or scratch an itch. The wind is light and from the nor-west.

Eight or ten Yellow-Tail Black Cockatoos amble in from the west, shrieking and calling in their arrival. They roost in a dead tree lower in the gully. Pulling bark from the dead limbs, they hunt for grubs.

A couple of Eastern Rosellas eat seed from the ground, another sits in a small Blackwood. A handful of Mane Ducks mingle around the dam picking off bugs and grubs. Two more wade in the dam, feeding, washing and preening.

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