Friday, March 15, 2013

Snapshot.........another nest

Hand weeding in the gully today, we came across another nest.

We found it laying on the ground firmly attached to a dead tree-fern frond - the frond had obviously fallen to the ground, as they eventually do once they have died.

The outside diameter of the cup shaped nest was around 8cm, increasing to 9cm at the base. The outside was constructed from thin fibres and strips of bark (1 ~ 3mm wide and 15mm to 40mm long) wrapped in a circular direction. The outside material looked to be predominantly Messmate (Stringy-bark [Euc. obliqua]).

The inside diameter of the nest was around 5cm. There were stems and branches left from Coral Fern - we suspect the nest was originally lined with the freshly picked soft fronds, leaving the stems and branches over time (?).   The inside was also lined with very small leaves that appear to be Manna [Euc. viminalis pyoriana].

The outside of the nest was adorned with Lichen and expect it was placed on the sides as decoration - we thinks it's been too dry to grow.

Not sure how it was held together but presume it was spittle.

Don't know who belongs to the nest - any ideas?................maybe a Yellow Robin

Inside of Nest

Showing outside and Lichen adornments

Also came across this Hyacinth Orchid [Dipodium roseaum] - this is only the 2nd one we've sighted, 'king yeehaa!!

Hyacinth Orchid [Dipodium roseaum] - deep in gully

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