Thursday, August 29, 2013

Voyeuristic Tendencies

As mentioned in a previous blog, our home acts as a hide, so we often find roo's looking through the windows.

The kangaroo's are very inquisitive, so it's not too surprising to have them peering through the windows and with glazing being reflective, they're often more focused on their own reflection than on what's going on inside.

The following photo was taken last Saturday. This young lady has a little pinky in her pouch, with another joey "on the foot", not too far away (not in shot).

After taking a few snaps, we were fortunate enough to also get a wee bit of footage before she ambled away.  


A hi-res video can be viewed at :

........................and found the following snaps in our photo archive:

A young fella looking at us, looking back at him - through the kitchen window

Peering out the front door with the camera, careful not to disturb mum with young joey in pouch

Lounging around the deck one sunny morn'.

This fella was way too intimidating to venture outside - taken from the safety of the home

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