Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A wallaby named "Horse"

Since the recording of two (2) female wallabies with joeys (blogged previously), we've been endeavouring to secure more footage - as we were keen to witness the development of the joeys over time.

We've been leaving the camera out at the same location but it seems that a male has taken over the spot the ladies had been frequenting. Over the past few weeks, this particular male keeps popping up in the video bytes. He spends much of the time itching, scratching, and grooming. The rest of the time is spent sunning himself, and generally lazing about.

Sitting with the tail outstretched between the legs is quite a common behaviour, and should be noted, is also exhibited by kangaroos. It looks uncomfortable but allows them to preen and tend to the tail; getting rid of ticks and such like.

During the period he's frequented the site, there's been no evidence of other wallabies, suggesting his presence minimises the occurrence of others - possibly for territorial reasons. It's early days but we'll continue to record and see whether our considerations are validated.

We'll continue to pursue footage of either or both of the joeys' development, but for the moment, we'll have to be satisfied with footage of the male wallaby we've named "Horse".

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