Friday, February 14, 2014

Safe in the Pouch

Lots of footage at the moment of mothers and their joeys. Might be a bit same-same, but we don't get sick of being in their midst, watching and observing their behaviour.

One morning we were sitting on the deck watching a small mob as they grazed. We started filming and were surprised when the mum moved towards us.

The mother was quite aware of our presence, but wasn't too fazed.

Early in the sequence, a male starts to court a female. Scratching at the ladies tail encourages her to urinate. He sniffs the urine to see if it's a good time. You can guess the rest.

In the background (easier to observe on the high definition version), their is a large male chasing off other suitors, as he was trying to have his way with one of the ladies.

A high definition version is located at :


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