Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A mother and her joey

Spring is done, so many mothers are busy tending to the needs of their young - the following footage of a mother kangaroo and her joey was recorded a few days before Christmas.

Based on the wonkiness of the joey's legs, it's probably only the third or fourth time out of the pouch. Typically, the joey stays close to mum and keeps going back for reassurance, sticking it's head in the pouch to suckle on a teat before getting distracted and focusing on other matters............not unlike a human child. As is the way with native wildlife, there's lots of itching and scratching, scratching and itching.

The mum appears to be an experienced mum and will have had a few joeys over the years. She is on the alert, attentive, and seems quite sensitive to the joey's needs.

Have a Happy and Safe Festive Season!!

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