Friday, December 20, 2013

A Wallaby Joey revisited

Leaving the camera at the usual location, we gleaned a few more hours of footage of amongst other things, a mother wallaby and her joey. This is the wallaby mother with the "pinky" from an earlier posting : Wallaby Flat - a week in the life : Part 1

We've condensed the recorded movie grabs into just on 4 minutes and you'll witness lots of scratching and grooming, the testing of legs, annoying mum, foraging, feeding from mum, and at the end of the footage, returning to the pouch due to the mother wallaby sensing danger.

The wallaby joey is very strong with it's jumping so early in it's development - in contrast, kangaroo joeys can be quite clumsy when initially using their legs to jump, and it takes a little while for the kangaroo joey's to control the power in their hind legs.

When kangaroo mobs graze around the house, we often hear the kangaroo mother's give a clicking sound, which alerts the joeys to return to the pouch. Occasionally, the mother kangaroo will give the joey a reaffirming "hurry up" by tapping them on their back.

In the attached footage, the wallaby mother does a similar action. As there's no audio, we don't know if Wallabies "click" but somehow the joey knew that it was time to get back into the pouch.


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